An enigmatic and unpredictable transformation unfolds within the eerily deserted chambers of Berlin’s renowned Techno sanctuary, Berghain. A gathering of untamed animals appropriates the colossal expanse of the once-thriving power station, introducing an otherworldly dimension to its iconic spaces. The film embarks on an immersive exploration of the venue, navigating its imposing architecture alongside the captivating wildlife that now inhabits it. The formidable brutality of the raw, industrial architecture is juxtaposed with the ethereal beauty of these reserved creatures.
Director | Steffen Köhn
DoP | Phillip Kaminiak
Editor | Steffen Köhn, Phillip Kaminiak
Animal Wranglers | Astrid Harsch, Michel Rogall, Ursula Stöter
Sound Composition | Lonski & Claßen
Foley Artist | Takis Christos Sariannidis
Culture: City. Academy of the Arts, Berlin Kunsthaus Graz No Photos on the Dance Floor, C/O Berlin